This presentation discusses topics of concern when planning and moving into a new court facility. These topics are presented from the perspective of the practitioner, the security officer and the judges. It also considers space for “today’s Law Library.” Since the Texas, Seventh Court of Appeals recently experienced these circumstances, many of the considerations are fresh on the minds of the participants. Their discussion will prove helpful to other court’s planning to move or remodel.
Chief Judge Brian Quinn is the Chief Justice of the Seventh District of the Texas Court of Appeals located in Amarillo, Texas. He received his J.D. degree from Texas Tech University School of Law . He began his first term with the Court in 1995. He was elected the Chief Judge in 2005 and continues to serve in that capacity.
Note to Viewers: This video is made available to promote education and discussion on issues related to state intermediate courts of appeal. The views expressed in the video, however, are strictly those of the Presenter and do not reflect any opinion of the Council or its members on any issue.